How Can I Make My Halal Perfume Last Longer On My Skin?

How Can I Make My Halal Perfume Last Longer On My Skin?

Do you often wonder why some people smell so good all day long, while your perfume diminishes as the hours pass and, by lunchtime, it seems to disappear altogether. Well you are not alone; we all like to smell nice all day long. And, although perfume longevity standards can vary from person to person, there are some tricks to enhance the power of your perfume from day to night.

It’s all to do with quality

A good perfume has the potential to last up to 24 hours after the first spray. Always buy a nice quality perfume that has the power to stay. Take a look at our fragrances ranging from floral, fresh, fruity, citrus, oriental, woody to spicy that are crafted to give you long-lasting fragrance. Pick the one that truly suits your mood and personality.

Know where and how to apply

Perfume is activated by body heat and will last longer when applied to the warmest parts of the body like neck and lower jaw, chest, wrist and forearm, or inner elbow. Remember never rub after applying the scent, instead let the scent and dry on its own and sink deep into the skin. Rubbing will cause friction that will break down the top notes of the perfume and it will fade faster.

Store it the right way

Do you know that keeping perfumes under direct light can affect its quality. That’s why it is always recommended that you always keep them in the pretty boxes they come in. Another important factor keep in mind is that you put it away from humidity and moisture because that will break down the perfume and weaken its scent. So no more keeping that bottle in the bathroom!

If you keep in mind these simple tips, then a single spritz of your favourite scent will stay with you all day long, making you smell and feel good. At Lafz, we truly understand the role a good quality perfume. Hence, we create natural perfumes with care that smell as good as they make you feel. All our products are made from pure natural elements and do not contain any alcohols or parabens or animal ingredients. We are world’s first halal certified brand and follow a no-compromise path when it comes to quality and customer satisfaction.