Essential Haircare routine for strong and healthy hair

Essential Haircare routine for strong and healthy hair

You are brushing your hair, and with each stroke, you notice more and more strands tangling in the brush. Or perhaps you wake up to find your pillow speckled with lost hair. Seems familiar? You are not alone. Like a garden, which requires tender care to flourish, our hair needs dedicated attention to stay healthy and lustrous. This is when the Onion and Black Seed range from Lafz is sure to come to your rescue. Crafted for the modern Muslim, Lafz is not just a brand; it’s a commitment to halal-certified, vegan, cruelty-free haircare that doesn’t compromise on faith or quality. So, get ready to transform your haircare routine with these halal superfoods, the Lafz way!

Tangled Tales: Unraveling Daily Hair Woes

From the frizz that refuses to tame to the split ends that seem to multiply, hair problems are as varied as they are vexing. Dryness, dandruff, excessive oil, and the dreaded hair loss; the list goes on. But what if we told you that the root of these issues often lies in the daily care (or lack thereof) of your hair? Read further to unlock the secrets of strong and healthy hair.

Lafz’s Guide to a Revitalized Haircare Routine

Elevating your haircare routine involves more than just selecting premium products. It’s about embracing habits that consistently nourish and strengthen your hair with a range of halal hair products. You can determine your scalp health through the scalp meter, available on our website, and then proceed with this consolidated approach with Lafz’s enriching range:

  • Pre-wash Conditioning and Oil Treatment: Kickstart your haircare routine by applying Lafz Onion Seed Hair Oil. Start by gently massaging your scalp and layering your strands with oil before shampoo to lock in moisture and keep the frizz at bay. Our Onion Seed Hair Oil is a mix of active ingredients that aids hair growth and promotes a thick, lustrous mane, reducing hairfall in just 2 weeks.
  • Pre-Wash Ritual with a Nourishing Scalp Serum: Before you wash and condition your hair, apply Lafz’s Onion Seed Oil Scalp Serum for added protection. This treatment deeply nourishes the scalp, setting the stage for healthier hair growth and visibly reducing hairfall in just 1 week. It provides an extra layer of hydration and care with the goodness of Black Seed and Onion extracts.
  • Gentle Cleansing with Chemical-Free Shampoos: Upgrade your washing routine with gentle, sulfate-free shampoos like Lafz’s Onion Seed Oil Shampoo for haircare. This halal shampoo is expertly formulated with nourishing onion and black seed that help stimulate growth. This halal-certified, 100% vegan shampoo revitalizes your scalp by enhancing blood circulation and fortifying hair follicles for stronger, healthier hair. Enriched with halal superfoods and other potent ingredients, it leaves your hair soft, manageable, and conditioned without any harsh chemicals. 

Adopting these practices into your daily routine ensures your hair is not just cared for but also protected against everyday stressors. Lafz products, formulated with Halal-certified and 100% vegan ingredients, align with your lifestyle and beliefs, offering a holistic path to achieving strong, healthy hair.

The Final Flourish: Where Dreams of Lustrous Hair Become Reality

For hair that turns heads, the journey begins and ends with Lafz. With our dedication to halal, vegan, and cruelty-free products, Lafz is more than just haircare; it’s a lifestyle choice for those who do not wish to compromise their faith for beauty. Visit Lafz for effective hair care, and embrace a routine that brings out the best in your hair. Remember, your hair is your crown, let Lafz help it shine.


1. What is a proper hair care routine?

A proper hair care routine involves cleansing with a gentle shampoo, conditioning the lengths and ends, treating the hair with masks or serums tailored to specific needs, and regular oiling for nourishment. Incorporating protective styling and minimizing heat styling are also key steps for maintaining healthy hair.

2. What order should I do my haircare?

Start by oiling your hair before washing if you use pre-wash treatments. Then, cleanse your scalp and hair with shampoo, followed by applying conditioner to the mid-lengths and ends. Post-wash, apply any leave-in treatments or serums, and style as desired and remember to use heat protectant sprays before any heat styling.

3. How to do hair oiling?

The first step in hair oiling is choosing the right product; hence, we suggest you use one of our halal hair oils. You can, then, begin by parting your hair, applying oil directly to the scalp and gently massaging it in circular motions to stimulate blood circulation. Leave it on for at least an hour or overnight, then finish the process by washing it off with shampoo.