Do Anti Hairfall Shampoos Really Work? What Ingredients to Look For?

Do Anti Hairfall Shampoos Really Work? What Ingredients to Look For?

Are you tired of seeing hair strands on your pillow covers, bedroom floors, and perhaps even your clothes? Do hair strands in the shower drain give you nightmares? You are not alone! Hair loss is a common problem faced by millions of men and women of all ages. Don’t worry! The solution to this nightmare of a problem is as simple as finding the best shampoo for hair fall. Yes, it is that simple! But do they really work? If yes, with a myriad of hair fall control shampoo readily available in the market, how do you choose the right one for you? In this blog, we’ve got you covered with every piece of information you would ever need to choose the best anti hairfall shampoo for yourself. 

Let’s begin by answering the million-dollar question: what is hair loss, and what are the reasons leading to it

Losing about 30 to 150 strands of hair a day is absolutely fine. But if you begin to feel that your hair is thinning or shedding more than usual, consider it a sign of hair loss. While genetics are frequently to blame for male hair loss, hormonal changes are most often the reason behind female hair loss. However, numerous additional causes may contribute to it, including vitamin or mineral deficiencies, stress, ageing, fungal infections, and underlying medical conditions. If you are worried about your hair loss, consult with your medical professional for advice on possible causes and treatment options. 

Do anti hairfall shampoos work? If yes, then how? 

If you are someone dealing with excessive hair loss, questionaing if anti-hairloss shampoos really work is understandable. To simply answer your hairfall question, it is a yes! They do! Using the best anti hairfall shampoo can show effective results in terms of reducing your hair fall, and some may even promote hair growth. These specialised shampoos contain ingredients that nourish and strengthen the hair follicles, minimising breakage and hair loss. 

One of the most important things to note is that even the best shampoo for hair fall is not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are different shampoos crafted for different scalp types, such as oily or dry, and the results for these may vary from one person to another. Secondly, it is of utmost importance to understand that not all shampoos that are advertised as “anti-hairfall” are effective and good for you. By switching to a sulfate and paraben free shampoo that is specifically designed to prevent hair fall is your first step in the right direction. In other words, avoid these ingredients and give your hair a better chance to grow and achieve optimal health. 

What ingredients to look for in the best shampoo for hair fall?  

When talking about ingredients in a hair fall shampoo, it is crucial to discuss the ones to avoid. The best hair care products, including shampoos, must be sulphate-free, paraben-free, and silicone-free. Additionally, you must pick a cruelty free shampoo that has caused no harm to animals during the making and is 100% vegan. Well, these are all the things you must keep in mind before purchasing the best shampoo online. Lucky for you, all the best hair care products by LAFZ include no harmful chemicals and are 100% vegan, making them an ideal pick for your hair care routines. Before we get to some of the best hair fall shampoo options by LAFZ, let’s understand the ingredients to look for in a hair fall shampoo. 

  1. Vitamin E: This ingredient is a must-have in shampoos as it helps create a protective layer on the scalp, which can further help lock in moisture. 
  2. Onion seed oil: This natural conditioning agent helps in minimising hair fall and thinning, 
  3. Black seed oil: The wonderous ingredient helps promote hair growth. 

Are you looking for a halal shampoo that comes with the benefit of the aforementioned three magical ingredients? Here’s a good news for you: we’ve got you LAFZ’s finest hair care creation, the Onion Oil Shampoo, which includes all these ingredients that effectively contribute to your hair’s health. The onion shampoo price at LAFZ is as affordable as Rs.275/-. What more could you ask for? 

Other than these, you can also look for ingredients like apple cider vinegar, which helps close the hair cuticles and smoothens them out, along with argan oil, which keeps your scalp and hair moisturised. If you are looking for these ingredients, the LAFZ Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo is the one for you! 

Wait no further! Bid adieu to your hair fall with the best shampoos from LAFZ!