A Step-by-Step Guide to Hair Care for Oily Scalp

A Step-by-Step Guide to Hair Care for Oily Scalp

Like many people worldwide complain about an oily complexion, several people also complain about having an oily scalp. Unable to go more than a day without their scalp and hair roots looking sticky and unwashed, people with oily scalp have one thing in common – a poor scalp health.  

While having an oily scalp largely depends on your hormones & oil and sebum secretion, neglecting scalp care is also a major contributor to a greasy and oily scalp. And eventually, it takes very little time to go from poor scalp health to chronic problems like hair loss, balding, dandruff, scalp irritation and inflammation, hypersensitivity, and whatnot! The main remedy for salvaging poor scalp health and an excessively oily scalp is to maintain a proper hair care routine for an oily scalp.  

Let’s discuss what causes an oily scalp to further understand what is the best scalp and hair care for maintaining an oily scalp!

What Causes an Oily Scalp?

1. Overwashing Hair 

While you may be cleansing your hair with oily scalp treatment products daily to eliminate oily, sticky hair, this can worsen your scalp health. No tonly does it strip off moisture and oil content from your scalp but also initiates excess production of sebum to replace the lack of natural oils. Stick to a regular scalp cleansing routine of about 2 to 3 times a week.   

2. Overuse of Hair Products

Using far too many hair care products for styling can actually damage your oily scalp. These products get built up and leave behind their residue on your scalp, clogging your hair follicles. This ultimately results in an oily scalp with blocked follicles! 

3. Overbrushing Hair

When you comb your hair from scalp to ends, you often transfer the excess oil and sebum down to your hair strands. This results in a more sticky and greasy hair appearance. The best hair care tip for an oily scalp is to simply brush your dry ends regularly and comb your scalp less often. 

4. Using the Wrong Hair Care Products for an Oily Scalp

Just like an oily skin type, proper hair and scalp care are essential for an oily scalp. Using chemical based hair care products for your oily scalp can result in poor scalp health and dry ends as it clogs hair follicles, ruins hair quality, and errodes moisture and oil content. Switch to chemical free, halal hair care products like a nourishing scalp serum for an oily scalp to deliver pure nutrition to your scalp. 

5. Leaving Hair Open for Long Hours

Leaving your hair open for long hours if you live in a humid and sultry location can accelerate stickiness of an oily scalp. If you’re heading for a workout, a walk or run, choose to tie up your hair to avoid sweat, grime and dirt from accumulating on your scalp. 

Now that you know some reasons that cause an oily scalp, here are some hair care tips for nourishing your oily scalp! 

Hair Care Tips for Enhancing an Oily Scalp

1. Avoid Using Heat to Dry Hair

It is best to allow your scalp and hair to air-dry or dry in their own time without suing a blow dryer. The heat from a blow dryer can plump up hair cuticles making it easier to absorb oil, resulting in an oily and sticky scalp!

2. Use Clean Combs or Hairbrushes

Since using an unclean or oily hair brush can transfer residual oil and even bacteria into your fresh & clean hair, it is best to use a clean comb or brush daily.

3. Avoid Touching the Scalp Too Often

Touching your scalp or running your hand through your hair too often can stimulate oil glands and cause excess oil and sebum production.

4. Use Correct Hair Care for Oily Scalp and Dry Ends

While using special oily scalp treatment products can go a long way in maintaining proper scalp health and hygiene, it is essential to use a nutrient-rich hair serum for oily hair that targets other concerns like preventing breakage and split ends, controls hair loss, hydrates, and nourished hair roots, etc. And yes, one that has a non-sticky finish!

5. Avoid Silicone Based Oily Scalp Treatment Products

Switch from silicone or paraben based hair care products for oily scalp treatment. Silicones can accumulate and make your hair look greasy and sticky and block moisture from penetrating your hair shafts, resulting in dry ends and damaged hair. Instead, opt for chemical and cruelty free, halal hair care products that offer healthy scalp treatment without deteriorating scalp health!

Now that you know the best hair care tips for managing an oily scalp, here is the best chemical free, halal hair serum for oily hair – Lafz Onion Seed Oil Scalp Serum!

Infused with antioxidant-rich Black Seed oil & Onion extracts, this scalp serum is best for nourishing an oily scalp with a non-sticky residue! This hair and scalp serum delivers intense nourishment deep within your scalp to provide multi faceted benefits for your oily hair!

Lafz onion seed scalp serum - Lafz

Here are some incredible benefits of our chemical and paraben free scalp care serum:-

  1. Stimulates hair follicles for improving hair growth rate.
  2. Strengthens roots to control hair loss and prevent breakage.
  3. Prevents dandruff or scalp infections.
  4. Controls premature greying of hair.
  5. Enhances hair health with a non-sticky finish!

Nourish your gorgeous hair and enhance your hair care routine for an oily scalp with a deeply hydrating scalp serum and flaunt grease free, silky-smooth locks!